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The New cable HDMI Tasker TSK 1062 in the version HIGH SPEED with Ethernet currently represents the most advanced project of HDMI cable that besides all the features of the other HDMI HIGH SPEED cables allows:

-3D formats
-scanning at 240Hz
-bidirectional communication, data connection and Ethernet till 100 -Mbps and streaming of the Audio flow
-HEC functions (HDMI Ethernet Channel)
-return channel for Audio
-resolution till 4096 x 2160 pixel at 24 fps and 30Hz
-ACE functions (Automatic Content Enhancement)

Tasker TSK 1062 is suitable to any HDMI applications including the Blu-ray Disc player systems and to all the installations in public buildings, civil and domestic.

General features

Short description
Tasker TSK1062 with High Speed Ethernet
2x Tasker 460

cable Features